Subtitle: A Love Poem Collection
Keywords: free verse, love, passion, poems, romance
Languages: English
Genres: Poetry
Author: Shirley Siaton
Illustrator: Rein Geronimo
Publisher: Inky Sword Book Publishing
Paperback: ISBN 978-6-21-837472-0 (12 July 2023)
Ebook: ISBN 978-6-21-060827-4 (18 September 2023)
Paperback Variants
· Beloved: Romance in Poetry – ISBN 978-6-21-837490-4 (20 April 2023)
Shall I love you?
My heart could never lie,
even if I forever persist
To deceive it, and deny
That it has long since belonged to you.
A compilation of unforgettable free verse poems, ‘Beloved: A Love Poem Collection’ delves into the many facets, phases and stages of romantic relationships.
Through heartfelt poetry accompanied by beautiful illustrations, award-winning author Shirley Siaton captures enchanting and ever-enduring vignettes of love out of its immeasurable and unbounded totality.
To short-link to this page, please use: https://shirley.ink/beloved