Keywords: coming of age, free verse, personal, poems
Languages: English
Genres: Poetry
Author: Shirley Siaton
Publisher: Inky Sword Book Publishing
Hardback: ISBN 978-621-8371-33-0 (4 June 2024)
Paperback: ISBN 978-6-21-837474-4 (16 February 2023)
Ebook: ISBN 979-8-98-781730-8 (20 February 2023)
International Editions
Paperback: ISBN 978-6-21-837494-2 (22 July 2023)
Asia-Pacific Editions
Paperback: ISBN 978-6-21-837486-7 (14 June 2023)
Thank you.
For the pain, through which I grope my way in dazed wakefulness.
The void, where my tongue-tips catch the essence of a hungering moon.
A collection of free verses written over the years in various stages of a young woman’s life, Black Cat and other poems is a journey of self-discovery, awareness and growth.
Each poem is a story culled from an existence well savored, much like a cat’s fabled nine lives. There are tales of lust, loss, melancholy, decay and awakening.
Author Shirley Siaton gives her heart, body and soul to the reader bare-bones, with no inhibitions or pretensions.
To short-link to this page, please use: https://shirley.ink/blackcat