Title: Dauntless
Subtitle: Unafraid, unapologetic, undeniable
Keywords: coming of age, free verse, love, personal, politics, poems, woman
Languages: English
Genres: Poetry
Author: Shirley Siaton
Publisher: Inky Sword Book Publishing
Paperback: ISBN 978-1-961052-83-3 (16 February 2024)
Ebook: ISBN 979-8-9878173-4-6 (16 February 2024)
I hear nothing
Not their taunts
Or wishes for my supposed absolution
I am stone, strong, steadfast
Proud, invincible
These 30 pieces of free-verse poetry capture author Shirley Siaton’s ever-changing world view as a woman and a storyteller.
This is journey of finding one’s place under the sun and in the shadows, as she learns to be unafraid, unapologetic, and, ultimately, undeniable.
Released exactly a year after her debut book Black Cat and other poems, Dauntless was published in honor of Shirley’s first author anniversary.
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