Keywords: children, courage, folklore, legends, magic, philippines
Languages: English
Genres: Fiction, juvenile
Recommended Reading Age: 7+
Author: Shirley Parabia
Publisher: Inky Sword Book Publishing
Paperback: ISBN 978-1-9105286-4 (27 May 2023)
Ebook: ISBN 978-6-21-060870-0 (31 May 2023)
New Blaze Edition
Hardback: ISBN 978-621-8374-26-3 (1 June 2024)
Paperback: ISBN 978-621-8374-71-3 (2 June 2024)
International Editions
Paperback: ISBN 978-6-21-837496-6 (17 July 2023)
Asia-Pacific Editions
Paperback: ISBN 978-6-21-837489-8 (26 June 2023)
Philippine Editions
Paperback: ISBN 978-621-490-065-7 (28 June 2024)
I am not a warrior.
My name is Uryana. I am twelve cycles old and a child of the Baraw tribe from the Sa-Babaw peaks.
My people have been plagued by the Serpent, a beast made of flame. It first devoured our livestock, then burned our fields and orchards to ashes.
Our strongest warriors were called to face this creature, but each of them, including my own father, met their end at its merciless jaws.
I was chosen by our tribe Elders to fight the Serpent. Would I be seeing my final dusk tonight, or would the hope and fire in my heart be enough to guide me in my greatest battle?
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