Subtitle: Poems of heart, soul and blood
Keywords: coming of age, free verse, love, omnibus, personal, politics, poems, woman
Languages: English
Genres: Poetry
Author: Shirley Siaton
Publisher: Inky Sword Book Publishing
Paperback: ISBN 978-6-21-837407-2 (18 August 2023)
Ebook: ISBN Kindle 978-6-21-837409-6, ISBN epub 978-6-21-837408-9 (22 August 2023)
Present slowly comes
Enfolding and unfolding
Dawn and dusk
In a circle never-ending
Rising and falling
Eternally, so shall I go
Onwards and seeing
A collection of poetry written across decades by award-winning author Shirley Siaton, I Bleed Words encompasses a young woman’s eye-opening journey through life.
Each poem is an evocative treatise from her heart, soul and blood. Each verse is an unpretentiously honest testament to a world rife with beautiful intricacies, tribulations and triumphs.
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