Subtitle: Poetry on Love Come Undone
Keywords: coming of age, free verse, love, lust, marriage, personal, poems, relationships, woman
Languages: English
Genres: Poetry
Author: Shirley Siaton
Illustrator: Rein Geronimo
Publisher: Inky Sword Book Publishing
Paperback: ISBN 978-6-21-490088-6 (4 February 2024)
Ebook: ISBN Kindle 978-6-21-060796-3 (4 February 2024)
Paperback Variants
· Never You and I: Poems of Love Come Undone – ISBN 978-6-21-060797-0 (2 October 2023)
I want to go home
To the days when you were there
When I had your voice
Your light
Your heartbeat
We all had that one love.
The kind that came into our lives like an unexpected super typhoon.
A love that, no matter how short-lived, left a devastation so profound in its wake. An emotion that cut so deep it would take forever to heal.
A collection of romantic poems, this book unravels decades of buried feelings, a lifetime of words left unsaid, and countless moments of hidden sighs and unshed tears for a love that never was.
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