Subtitle: Verses from the Heart
Keywords: free verse, love, passion, poems, romance
Languages: English
Genres: Poetry
Author: Shirley Siaton
Publisher: Inky Sword Book Publishing
Paperback: ISBN 978-6-21-490006-0 (25 October 2023)
Ebook: ISBN 978-6-21-490007-7 (25 October 2023)
Just walk away, before I hold you back.
Just leave, before I run towards you.
Just forget me, before I learn to love you even more.
Just stop.
This unforgettable collection juxtaposes poetry with real-life letters, all salvaged from the deepest and darkest corners of the author’s heart.
The poems speak of romance’s aspects, phases and stages; of experiences sweet, bitter and broken; and of a life where verses of love endure long after moments have become memories.
This is the bare-bones ebook edition of the May 2023 romantic poetry collection, Dear Beloved.
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